July 15, 2021
The Purpose of Personality Testing
Personality testing strives to evaluate and describe certain aspects of our character that are supposed to be the underlying constructs that make us who we are.
The idea is that by discovering our unique traits we will become more effective in our career, unlock our potential, and find a a life partner who is best suited to our temperament and personality.
Not Always Accurate
Only a trained professional can give an accurate personality test. The most important thing to remember about personality testing is that there are no wrong answers. Use the information as a general guide to help further define your strengths and weaknesses.
There are several different underlying psychological theories that go into personality testing. And hundreds of different types of tests that may or may not be accurate in their assessment of your personality strengths and characteristics.
Why Take a Personality Test?
A healthy reason to take a personality test is not so much to identify your global personality traits but to identify various jobs, relationships, or types of compromises that align with who you are. This gives you and your boss a real advantage when considering your job placement or career choices.
Personality testing can be helpful for people who haven’t given much thought about the reasons behind their actions or reactions to situations.
Personality testing can help people become more aware of the characteristics and traits that are both working against them and for them.
For example, by recognizing that planning for the future isn’t something you do easily, you can modify your behavior intentionally to put into effect plans that ensure a financially stable future.
Personality Disorders
Another reason personality testing is performed is to determine if someone may be suffering from a personality disorder. These are a set of traits that will negatively affect your life and ability to be successful in your actions with others. They often have a wide ranges of causes and an even wider range of negative effects on lifestyle choices and results.
Psychologists have identified ten broad categories of personality disorder that are the most common and that have significant negative consequences.
These personalty disorders include paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent and obsessive-compulsive.
It’s Always Your Choice
How you use personality testing for your own benefit is obviously up to you. Just be aware that the results aren’t always accurate, and that only a trained psychologist who is experienced in testing can give a thorough evaluation.
Personality testing should only be used as a tool to give you insights into your own actions and behaviors but not something that predicts or determines your destiny. You are always in charge of your life and the type of person you want to become.
Photo by Isaac Davis on Unsplash