Lifestyle #2613

Fit Moms

We’re busy, right? Not enough time for everything we need to get done, let alone taking care of ourselves. But our guests today from the Fit Mom Diet, Shannon Dougherty and Kim Miller, have some secrets that might help you work that in easily and reach your fitness goals. Free Offer: Fit Mom Diet Recipes Offer Code: FITMOM-T-F-401 Offer Description: Recipes for Strawberry Chia Muffins, Clean Eating Guacamole and Chips, Mashed Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich and Cinnamon Sweet Potato Pancakes taken from

Lifestyle #2405

Body For Life with Bill Phillips

Our guest today is fitness legend Bill Phillips, creator of MET-Rx and EAS nutritionals and the author of the best-selling fitness book Body for Life. He was recently inducted into the Fitness Hall of Fame and offers his insights into a number of topics buzzing in the fitness industry today.  

Lifestyle #2409

Your Path To Fitness with Kim Dolan Leto

Kim Dolan Leto became one of the top fitness magazine cover models in America after turning 40. She joins us today to talk about ways to motivate yourself for fitness, create a better body image and workout secrets with co-host Obi Obadike.

Lifestyle #2502

Vegan All Star

  Most coaches and other sports professionals would argue that being a vegetarian as a professional athlete would be a career-killing move. However, our guest, four time NBA Champion John Salley, would argue that is what extended his career and in many ways saved his life. Free Offer: Vibrant Life Special Issue: Going Vegetarian Offer Description: Vibrant Life special issue on 14 very good reasons to be a vegetarian and how to make the transition, eat vegetarian anywhere and create a mouthwatering meatless meal. Offer Code: GOVEG-M-F-401

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