
Eliminate Or Reduce Pain With Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a safe and effective treatment for many health conditions, from chronic pain to sports injuries. It strengthens your muscles and makes you more flexible, bringing relief to the hurting areas. Physical therapy is so much safer than pain medications, which only provide temporary relief and come with cardiovascular and stomach bleeding risks….


Seven Diet Tips & Tricks For Staying Healthy And Losing Weight

Learning how to eat healthy isn’t nearly as complicated as people think. By practicing these simple habits, healthy eating will become second nature. Eat A Variety Of Foods Many diets don’t work in the long run because they either cut out healthy food groups entirely (example, carbs) or severely restrict what you can eat. With…


Breakfast: The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Everyone, from talk show hosts to health care practitioners, seems to have an opinion on the matter. So let’s look at the research. How Important Is Breakfast? There are many conflicting studies on this subject. A study published in…


Are Raw Foods Safer and Healthier?

You’ve probably heard about the raw food diet, which involves eating mostly raw and unprocessed foods. Refined and pasteurized foods are completely out of the question, so the diet is made up of mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Those who support this diet claim that the process of cooking food destroys enzymes and nutrients….


Are Artificial Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?

When people “quit sugar” they often switch to an artificial, calorie-free sweetener. Today, these sweeteners are widely used in soft drinks, chewing gum, candy, jellies, dairy products and many other foods and drinks. There are six FDA approved calorie-free sweeteners: acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, saccharin, Stevia and sucralose. Any product that is labelled “sugar free” or…


Keep Track to Stay on Track

Everyone dreams of living their healthiest life and looking their best. In fact, the two most common New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and exercise more. Sadly, only 8% actually achieve those resolutions. One thing that separates achievers from the rest is tracking. Simply put, winners are trackers because they’re committed to measuring progress….

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