Lifestyle #2249

Are People Messed Up?

Elizabeth Brown, author of Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People, reveals how to make relationships work with difficult people and challenging situations. Special cooking segment: Vegetarian cookbook author and instructor Debi Pedersen cooks with Mike and Gayle.

Lifestyle #2227

Ultimate Loss

Terry Caffey from Across America Ministries discusses how he lost his wife and kids through a violent homicide, and how God brought him out of that darkness to a place of salvation and healing.

Lifestyle #2238

The Next Level Health + recipes from Debi Pedersen

There’s a lot of research on the prevention side of medicine – but what if we look at not just preventing illness but getting to the next level. Can we actually step up physical well-being to improve such things as eyesight or to obtain more energy? Dr. Becky Wang and Dr. Anthony Cardillo share their study on this particular subject. Special cooking segment: Vegetarian cookbook author and instructor Debi Pedersen shows Mike and Gayle how to adapt a meal like Hachis Parmentier (Cottage or Shepherd’s Pie) or Zucchini Bateaux to make it meatless and still delicious.

Lifestyle #2239

Building A Love That Lasts

On this Mad About Marriage episode, authors Dr. Charles Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz shed light on how to make a marriage successful and long-lasting. The Schmitz discuss their most recent book, Building A Love That Lasts, with hosts Mike and Gayle Tucker.

Lifestyle #2229

The Health Power

A lively discussion with Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. John McDougall on various health issues and how they can be alleviated or eliminated through proper dietary care and exercise.

Lifestyle #2240

When Perfect Isn’t Enough

Striving for perfection may be an all too familiar topic for women and men alike. Author and humorist Nancy Kennedy shares her thoughts on making peace with imperfection by recognizing God’s love for us as we are. Kennedy discusses how the perfect woman, such as the Proverbs 31 woman, does not exist.

Lifestyle #2230

A New You By Friday

Psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman walks readers through their own personal five-day action plan to change their lives by concentrating on becoming who they really want to be.

Lifestyle #2231

This Isn’t the Life I Signed Up For

In her signature honest and transparent style, author Donna Partow joins us to offer encouragement and help for women who “signed up for” a great marriage, lifelong friendships, and vibrant health, but now find themselves in a life they didn’t sign up for.

Lifestyle #2221

The Pregnancy Depression

In 2004 Tina Zahn drove up to a bridge and jumped. Miraculously, a state trooper caught her wrist and saved her. In this episode Zahn shares what led to her severe depression and how she was able to return to hope.

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