Lifestyle #2503

Discovering Joy

Imagine having everything you ever dreamed of, yet feeling so alone, so lost, so desperate for connection, that you were willing to take your own life. Our guest today was right there, willing to take that last step. Join us to find out what stopped Jason Davis as he shares from his book, Your Love Pursues: A Memoir.

Lifestyle #2408

True Strength with Kevin Sorbo

Our guest Kevin Sorbo portrayed an invincible demigod (Hercules) on television, but in real life, his three strokes and aneurysm left him partially blind and incapacitated at just thirty-eight years old. His recovery was an arduous process, which he documents in his book, True Strength. Today, Kevin Sorbo shares how he overcame these hardships. Free Offer: Surviving A Stroke Offer Code: STROKE-T-F-401 Offer Description: CareNotes pamphlet on surviving and thriving after a stroke.

Lifestyle #2504

Surviving a Stroke

Chances are pretty good you have known someone who has had a stroke. The fact is there are over 600,000 new, first-time stroke patients every year. It’s the fifth leading cause of death in America, and that’s worth talking about. Join our guests: Dr. Matt Farson, a family practice and emergency room doctor; Dr. Wes Youngberg, a doctor of public health, a certified nutritionist, and lifestyle medicine specialist; and Edie Hughes, a stroke survivor. Free Offer: Care Notes pamphlet “Surviving Stroke” Offer Description: Surviving Stroke by Pat Zrelak, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.R.N., N.E.A.-B.C. Those who’ve suffered a stroke, or care for someone who has, know it is often a permanently life-altering event. The key to surviving the stroke and its after effects is being knowledgeable. Pat Zrelak helps readers navigate this new and difficult situation in sections titled: “What is stroke?,” “Types of stroke,” “How does the doctor know I’ve had a stroke?”, “After care”, and “Support Organizations”. Offer Code: STROKE-T-401

Lifestyle #2344


On this Mad About Marriage program, Paula Spencer Scott; author of Momfidence and collaborator on eight other parenting, pregnancy, and health books; shares with us the concept of Momfidence: the confidence that comes when moms start worrying less and winging it more.

Lifestyle #2355

Struggles In Parenting

On this Mad About Marriage episode, Frank and Elizabeth (Liz) Rittersdorf have the same goals as parents:  To be great role models for their two sons and to raise them to be good men. But like many of us, their parenting styles are a little different, which can create conflict. We’ll discuss how parents with different parenting styles can find common ground.

Lifestyle #2356

Emotional Fitness

On this Mad About Marriage, David and Teresa Ferguson share the importance of managing hurts, frustrations, and disappointments in marriage. They are authors of over 30 books, including Emotional Fitness.

Lifestyle #2401

Sports, The Unhealthy Side with Stephen A. Smith

Professional sports offer the ultimate display of fitness and athletic ability. On this episode, we’ll take a look at the unhealthy side of sports. Our guest has a ringside seat to watch most of the action both on and off the field. We’re talking to ESPN’s sports analyst and one of America’s favorite sports commentators, Stephen A. Smith, as well as sports medicine specialist, Dr. Andrew Blecher.

Lifestyle #2347

Marriage Detente

Conflict resolution is difficult for many couples, but our Mad About Marriage guest has some effective ways to work through them. Our guest, Amy Smalley, along with her husband Michael, has created the Marriage Intensive Movement, something that has impacted couples across America.

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