How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Everyone, from talk show hosts to health care practitioners, seems to have an opinion on the matter. So let’s look at the research. How Important Is Breakfast? There are many conflicting studies on this subject. A study published in…

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There’s no shortage of nutrition experts who believe that late night snacking is bad for your health and causes weight gain. According to them, all late night snacks are a complete no-no, even healthy ones. On the flip side, some experts believe that late night snacking increases your metabolism and helps burn calories. To them,…

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You’ve probably heard about the raw food diet, which involves eating mostly raw and unprocessed foods. Refined and pasteurized foods are completely out of the question, so the diet is made up of mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Those who support this diet claim that the process of cooking food destroys enzymes and nutrients….

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Most of us spend our workdays indoors under artificial lights in front of a computer screen. Then we go home and plop down in front of the TV continuing to bask in the glow of yet another screen. Unfortunately, so much time spent inside is having a negative effect on our physical and mental health….

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When people “quit sugar” they often switch to an artificial, calorie-free sweetener. Today, these sweeteners are widely used in soft drinks, chewing gum, candy, jellies, dairy products and many other foods and drinks. There are six FDA approved calorie-free sweeteners: acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, saccharin, Stevia and sucralose. Any product that is labelled “sugar free” or…

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Everyone dreams of living their healthiest life and looking their best. In fact, the two most common New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and exercise more. Sadly, only 8% actually achieve those resolutions. One thing that separates achievers from the rest is tracking. Simply put, winners are trackers because they’re committed to measuring progress….

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What would you give to wake up feeling energetic, well rested and ready to conquer the world every single day? It goes without saying that your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The more productive your morning, the likelier you will have a more productive rest of the day. Studies by…

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There are many reasons to become a vegetarian. Although some people choose to do so for religious or ethical reasons, more and more Americans are choosing the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons. The Benefits Vegetarians have a huge advantage over meat eaters in the long term. They live longer and are generally 30 pounds lighter….

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We are creatures of habit. We happily eat the same foods and generally do the same things every day. Without these habits and routines our lives would have little structure and too much uncertainty. When you’re trying to break a bad lifestyle habit, routine can be your friend and your enemy. Eating healthy foods and…

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When it comes to workouts, we all want quick results, a magic formula to get lean and fit fast. Although no such magic formula exists, the Body Pump workout comes pretty close! Body Pump is a workout that combines aerobics and strength training with lots of repetition. It involves lifting, thrusting and squatting with light…

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Living a healthy lifestyle is much easier when the whole family is on board. But kids don’t always get why they need to eat healthy foods or exercise regularly. They’re happy to eat junk food and sit on the couch all day. Here are some tips on how to teach your kids to embrace healthy…

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