The Pregnancy Depression
In 2004 Tina Zahn drove up to a bridge and jumped. Miraculously, a state trooper caught her wrist and saved her. In this episode Zahn shares what led to her severe depression and how she was able to return to hope.
In 2004 Tina Zahn drove up to a bridge and jumped. Miraculously, a state trooper caught her wrist and saved her. In this episode Zahn shares what led to her severe depression and how she was able to return to hope.
Optimal female health is dependent on many factors, and Dr. Bob DeMaria shares how women can balance their ever-changing hormones through proper care and diet.
Dr. Anthony Cardillo and Dr. Becky Wang identify the side effects of various common medications.
A lively discussion with Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. John McDougall on various health issues and how they can be alleviated or eliminated through proper dietary care and exercise.
Dr. Anthony Cardillo and Dr. Becky Wang help you determine if you are having an actual heart attack or just experiencing symptoms of a bad meal.
Dr. Michael Gerson and Sheila Matthews join Mike and Gayle Tucker to discuss parenting and how labeling one’s child can be destructive, and how it can sabotage the child for a lifetime.
There’s a lot of research on the prevention side of medicine – but what if we look at not just preventing illness but getting to the next level. Can we actually step up physical well-being to improve such things as eyesight or to obtain more energy? Dr. Becky Wang and Dr. Anthony Cardillo share their study on this particular subject. Special cooking segment: Vegetarian cookbook author and instructor Debi Pedersen shows Mike and Gayle how to adapt a meal like Hachis Parmentier (Cottage or Shepherd’s Pie) or Zucchini Bateaux to make it meatless and still delicious.
It’s really very simple to get healthy and to stay that way, according to Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman. They’re the authors of Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health. Dr. John McDougall joins the discussion.
Did you know that most of us operate from our left brain hemisphere? However, for those who operate mostly from their right hemisphere, this can affect how they learn, function, and relate to others. Join educational psychologist and author Melanie West as she helps us navigate this mental maze.
Dr. John McDougall and Dr. Hans Diehl discuss heart disease and how you can reverse this deadly health condition through diet.