Should You be Worried About that Mole?
Skin… Rough. Dry. Smooth. Freckled… We’re usually not too worried about our skin until we see a mole. Moles are common. Most people have at least 10 and continue developing new ones until the age of 40. Moles are pink, tan or brown growths that occur when pigments cells, known as melanocytes, grow in a…
Learn MoreParalyzed by Fear and Anxiety
Fear is a perfectly normal and healthy emotion that is essential to your survival. It protects from danger and can even be helpful in certain situations if “used” wisely. Unfortunately, fear and anxiety, in overwhelming, sustained doses, can be absolutely paralyzing. These two emotions can hijack your thoughts, stress your soul and make you want…
Learn MoreIs Stress Affecting Your Weight? How to Manage Your Mindset for Weight Loss
Globally, health experts agree that incidences of stress and obesity are rising. In the US, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adults often or always feel lonely, anxious, or depressed. Similarly, obesity is growing rampant, with two-thirds of all adults in the US qualifying as such. As it happens, the fact that…
Learn MoreThe Mental and Physical Connection of Gratitude
According to research, gratitude is a game-changer. How can something so easy and simple improve sleep, brighten mood, boost immunity, and reduce depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and disease? To say that gratitude is powerful is an understatement. The Mental Health Benefits Of Gratitude Gratitude improves mental health by instantly imparting a better outlook on life…
Learn More8 Ways To Prime Your Brain For Success
Our brains are the command center of our lives and are essential for the quality of our physical, emotional, and mental performance. Chronic stress, poor diet, smoking, and excess alcohol take a severe negative toll on our brain’s functionality. These habits also contribute to high blood pressure, cognitive decline, and dementia. But you can always…
Learn MorePoor Eyesight Can Lead to Poor Mental Health— Here’s What You Can Do
It has long been proven that the mind-body connection is real, with physical health influencing mental wellness and vice versa. So, besides making healthy lifestyle changes through diet and exercise, you can refer to a previous post about the science of happiness for strategies for boosting your mental health and overall quality of life. These…
Learn MoreStress Kills Brain Cells
Chronic stress can wreak havoc and cause harmful disruptions to our health and well-being. It can make us vulnerable to disease, drain joy from our lives, and throw our metabolic systems into disarray, from the immune system to blood sugar and the cardiovascular system. In fact, the damaging effects of long-term stress are so pervasive…
Learn MoreHow (and Why) Exercise Brightens Mood
With everything that’s happening in the world today and living lives of constant and never-ending activity, it seems our stress and anxiety levels reach new highs each day. Taking care of our mental well-being is crucial. Controlling our mood is a must, too. Otherwise, it will quickly control us, plunging us into overwhelm and depression. …
Learn MoreWalking: Lower Your Blood Pressure And Strengthen Your Heart!
Walking is amazing. Not only does it relax the nervous system by reducing stress, but it also lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart. And It’s Easy! Many people who are at risk for stroke and heart disease are overweight and find it hard to exercise. However, walking is a low-impact exercise that almost anyone…
Learn More4 Eye Diseases That an Eye Exam Can Catch
Vision changes are not uncommon, especially with age, but you may be at risk for certain eye diseases and be unaware of them. These conditions can deteriorate your vision, not only increasing your chances of vision loss and blindness but also putting you at risk for more health problems, including falls and fractures, injuries, poor…
Learn MoreHow To Boost Your Immune System And Stay Well This Winter
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released these startling statistics on the flu on February 16, 2204, in which it estimates that the United States has had at least 24 million illnesses, 260,000 hospitalizations, and 16,000 deaths from flu this season. A strong defense against the flu is a strong immune system. But boosting our…
Learn MoreThe “New” Wonder Drug
It isn’t sexy, glamorous, or cool, and even though many people think it’s boring, it works and works great! What is it? Walking. Dr. Thomas Frieden, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says, “{walking is} the closest thing we have to a wonder drug.” Wow. That’s a pretty strong statement. Here’s…
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