Lifestyle #3412

Good Times, Sad Times, and Better Days with BernNadette Stanis

Today’s guest is a revered figure in the entertainment industry and an author. With her unforgettable portrayal of Thelma Evans on Good Times, BernNadette Stanis is a beloved icon of the small screen. She reflects on her experiences from the show, her relationships with co-stars, and life in the seventies. Despite her success, she has faced significant challenges, particularly as a caregiver. She shares her journey of caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s and the family tragedy that struck in 1991. Her book The Last Night honors her mother and explains caregiving, while her upcoming memoir, Good Times, Ain’t We Lucky We Got ‘Em: Memoir of an American Sweetheart, shares her show experiences, the behind-the-scenes stories, and aims to give back to her audience for 50 years of support. Join us in celebrating her remarkable legacy.

Lifestyle #3313

Healthy Body, Healthy Brain with Dr. Gary Small

Are you afraid of losing your mind? Today’s guest is going to help us learn how to keep our minds young and how to avoid memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s for as long as you can. Our guest is behavioral health physician and chief for Hackensack Meridian Health and New York Time’s #1 best seller Dr. Gary Small. He is going to discuss when forgetfulness may be a sign of more serious problems and help us understand how to stay pro-active in our brain health. We’ll take a look at one of Dr. Small’s books on how to keep our brains and bodies young.


Alzheimer’s Can Affect Young People Too

While Alzheimer’s is most common in older adults, it sometimes affects young people in their 20s and 30s. This form of Alzheimer’s is known as early-onset Alzheimer’s. Experts aren’t really sure what triggers Alzheimer’s disease in young people. Some people have the three main genes for the disease, which can be identified through genetic tests….

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