
How To Clean Your Ears Safely

As far as body parts go, ears don’t require too much cleaning. As long as you wash them when you are taking a shower and gently clean the canal with a washcloth to get rid of the excess wax, you should be fine. Remember the old saying that you shouldn’t put anything smaller than your…

Lifestyle #2718

Drug Addiction

Our guest, Pastor Mathew Feeley, shares his story with drug and alcohol addiction and how his life was totally transformed after the wake up call that changed his life.   Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Getting Help With an Addiction”   Offer Code: NEWEPI-T-F-401     Offer Description: This CareNote is written for those who have reached a moment of crisis or decision—someone who is ready to face an addiction and seek help but is not sure how to proceed, or what to expect. This CareNote will provide helpful guidance and encourag ement to individuals and their loved ones in the journey toward recovery. “Know that there is great reason for hope,” asserts the author. Tackling an addiction can be “the best of times”—because it marks the first step toward freedom and is, many say, the most difficult, the most courageous, and the wisest thing they’ve ever done.


How Gratitude Affects Your Health

The results are in! Grateful people eat healthier, sleep better and take better care of themselves. They are mentally and physically healthier. You’re probably wondering what gratitude has to do with your physical health. Well, it turns out that being grateful about the little things helps you make better decisions for your health. You are…


Anyone can be a Morning Person

What would you give to wake up feeling energetic, well rested and ready to conquer the world every single day? It goes without saying that your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The more productive your morning, the likelier you will have a more productive rest of the day. Studies by…


Can You Really Detox or Cleanse Your Body?

You’ve probably come across a detox program or two in your pursuit of better health. These programs are based on the idea that your body is constantly accumulating toxins and needs a “spring cleaning” every now and then. These programs usually involve a combination of fasting, juicing, eating selected foods, taking supplements and enemas. The…

Lifestyle #2717

Beating Cancer

Our co-host Dr. Sharmini Long is joined with her husband, Dr. Joshua Long, as they share their journey of when she was diagnosed with metastatic papillary thyroid cancer.  They discuss how their faith and trust in God helped them through this trial.   Free Offer: Balance Magazine: Super Foods That Fight Cancer   Offer Code: CANCER-M-F-401 Offer Description: Discover super foods that fight cancer—naturally!  Learn 6 tips for fighting back when cancer strikes.  Plus: Simplify your life and reduce stress in 4 easy steps.


How to Take Proper Care of Your Gums (AND Heart)

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the main cause of tooth loss; one in three adults have it. Their gums are constantly irritated and inflamed, and bacteria is slowly destroying the tissues and bones that support their teeth! Gum disease occurs when bacterial plaque builds up along and underneath the gum line. The bacteria produces…


Go Vegetarian & Live Longer (A Lot Longer…)

There are many reasons to become a vegetarian. Although some people choose to do so for religious or ethical reasons, more and more Americans are choosing the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons. The Benefits Vegetarians have a huge advantage over meat eaters in the long term. They live longer and are generally 30 pounds lighter….

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