
Magnesium Can Reduce Stress And Help You Sleep

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body but most of us don’t give it much thought. There are more than 300 chemical reactions in the body that require this mineral, and if that doesn’t get your attention, magnesium deficiency can cause physical and mental health problems. Several studies have shown that…


How To Take Proper Care Of Your Contact Lenses

  There are forty-one million estimated contact lens wearers in the United States according to the CDC, and almost of all them practice at least one behavior that puts their eyes at risk.[1] Contacts are very convenient. You don’t have to worry about them jiggling around on your face, falling or breaking when you’re going…


Keeping Your Bones Strong As You Grow Older

55% of Americans over the age of 50 have osteoporosis or low bone mass. That’s more than 40 million people! Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones brittle, greatly increasing the risk of fractures. It is, therefore, no surprise that about 75% of hip, spine and forearm fractures occur in older adults, especially post-menopausal women….


Chronic Pain: Is It All in Your Head?

The only thing worse than being in pain is being told that “it’s all in your head.” Sadly, people who suffer from chronic pain are often surrounded by family, friends and physicians who don’t believe they’re in pain. Since pain is invisible, it’s quite common for these people to appear “normal” even when in pain….


Caring for Acne Prone Skin

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting fifty million people. If you have acne, you probably get your share of unsolicited advice about how to take care of your troubled skin. You’ve heard it all from “don’t eat fatty foods” to “exfoliate daily…

Lifestyle #2724

Go Live Your Life

Country music has always reflected real life, and one artist with a gift for capturing both heartache and hope is today’s guest, Wade Hayes. A Stage IV colon cancer diagnosis has a low survival rate, but Wade has fought to overcome this challenge successfully for more than 6 years now with a positive mindset and treatment. He shares his moving story, what he learned through life’s challenges and some of the uplifting songs inspired by the journey.   Free Offer: Health & Healing Magazine: Cancer Prevention Offer Code: PREVNT-M-F-401   Offer Description:  Cancer Prevention by the Wildwood Lifestyle Center Journal of Health & Healing editorial staff.   Shop Now


Do More Without Burning Out

  Modern life is extremely demanding. More people that ever before are being stressed beyond their limits. We are working exceptionally long hours and putting extreme pressure on ourselves to succeed in all areas of our lives. Between work and family, there’s very little time left for self-care; and many of us are so physically…


The Truth About Cholesterol

There’s so much confusion surrounding dietary cholesterol. Some people believe it’s harmful and should be avoided at all costs, while others believe it’s totally fine. Cholesterol is essential for good health. The liver actually produces cholesterol, which aids in the production of essential hormones, bile and vitamin D. So, why does cholesterol get such a…


Why Does Your Back Hurt?

Millions of people suffer from chronic back pain. In fact, it’s the leading cause of disability among young Americans. Back pain doesn’t just happen; it’s usually triggered by certain things such as lifting heavy items, poor posture, extra weight, smoking, bad diet and fatigue. Overworking Your Back Muscles Why does your back hurt after a…

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